Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Wow! Last thing was about summer rose selling. Long time, no writing. Well as far as rose selling goes, I like the winter much better. It's easier to keep the roses cool and you've got all sorts of holidays where people are festive and buy flowers. Around here there are also more people in the area this time of year.
One of our online businesses that my husband started is doing well right now and we've been busy with it.

Have a Happy Holiday!!,

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Some Hot Tips For Summer Rose Selling!

There's a few pros and cons to selling roses in the summer. There are more pros in actuality. While there aren't any flowery holidays that I can think of in the summer, that only serves to drive the price of wholesale roses down.
If you're out selling roses in night clubs on the weekends, so what if there's no rosey holiday--those are only good for a few nights a year anyway and people go out on dates all year. In the summer if you sell anywhere near a beach, in fact it will be your busiest season.
Now one thing is it gets hot. I always keep my roses in the back inside a big cooler with ice packs in it and some up front in my basket with the AC blowing on it.
This cooler is a very handy, dandy thing to have if you're gonna be a rose seller, because if you don't have room in the bottom of your fridge and you're not ready to invest in a second fridge(but you can pick one up for 75 bucks at a thrift store or garage sale) a nice big ice chest type cooler is also a great place to store your roses in the house, you'll just have to remember to switch out the ice packs. Now I've got a really good tip for you on the cooler. Normally a nice large cooler can be over $100, right now they have a real long cooler for $80 that is just perfect and what you'll eventually want to get. But if you're a newbie and are just trying this out that could be a big investment for you. So what is cool right now about coolers is that at WalMart I have seen they now have some very large as big as the large ice chest cooler I mentioned styrofoam coolers for only $20 and another one that's shorter than this one but still pretty big for just $8!! This is even good news for you experienced sellers as we often need something extra. Anyway I had never seen any styrofoam ones on sale that were that large so...
As I said wholesale rose prices are down as well. If you looked around online for wholesale roses during the spring and god forbid around Valentine's Day you'll see the big difference.
I'm excited because I got to actually make a new page on my wholesale site where you can probably get the best deal online as this even includes the shipping : http://roseladywholesale.com/bulkoffers.html

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wooden Roses and other stuff I've been doing...

Well it's been a long time and no posting. I just have a really busy life. Can anyone relate?
My husband got interested in selling on Ebay, so I helped and got into it to. It pulled me off the affiliate marketing for awhile---but I figured I'd start concentrating on my own products you know.
Now I've found a way to combine the two a little bit. I'll get into that on a later post.(Famous last words, but I will.) Some of the really cheap ebooks I have on Ebay may give you an idea how I'm doing that. They really will only cost you a few cents.
Just wanted to catch up a little. Here's a link that will show you all the stuff we're selling on Ebay currently: store.auctiva.com/roselady4.
It's a good way to snag a deal on wooden roses. You can get some wooden roses on the Roselady Wholesale site as well of course. If you take a look you'll see how inexpensive they are wholesale so I'm really into selling them now. I do it on my rose route and car dealerships and as you can see Ebay. Remember that roselady beat me to it on Valentine's day with the wooden roses!!
Anyway I thought it was a good thing to add to my sales items--another item to have with me that doesn't ever die as a back-up for the real roses(just like I do with the lighted roses).
I like the large buds better, they're the size of real roses. The smaller ones are great for cute arrangements though. Those are the small ones in the above picture. I'll post some more and I often have some pictures of them on Ebay.

We have some MP3 Players on sale, that's my husband's baby. We are soon going to have some upgraded ones up there that talk and can get up to 32gb of memory because of the upgrades and it will be a steal deal.
Anyway that's a bit about what I've been doing and I'll try to catch up more soon.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lighted Roses

Do any of you guys or girls sell lighted roses? I love them. They don't need de-thorning or any other preparation. You can keep them in your trunk and they don't die.
Some people who don't think it's cool to buy roses think it's cool to buy lighted roses. It also works the other way around--that's why it's good to have both.
I also like the way they flash and help draw attention to your basket of roses.
What I like the most is that it gives me some predictability when it comes to how many roses I need to purchase for the weekend. I always like to make sure I have enough. I'd rather make more money and have some left over than sell out but make less money because I didn't buy enough.
Well with the lighted roses, I can buy a lower amount of real ones and if I start selling them by the basket--I can start putting more lighted roses in the basket, putting them with teddy bears etc..
People start buying more of them and my real ones go further. I also can get a pretty good price for lighted roses, like around $8. A guy who used to sell roses for me would charge $10. and get it no problem.
I think rose guys are better at the asking price, at least in my experience.
At one point I needed more time and wanted cut down on the real rose preparation and I just started making sure I had plenty of light roses as in the picture and it worked out fine. I still had my real ones just a bit less and the light roses were selling well--so "no problem."
These flashy silk ones rotate in color changes and they sell really well. I have some on my site where you don't have to buy in large quantity.

Catch you later,